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apimondia-logo.png 27 VIII 2022

47th International Apimondia Congress in Istanbul, Türkiye 2022


We are at the 47th International Apimondia Congress in Istanbul, Türkiye. It is the largest event in the beekeeping world where beekeepers, scientists, beekeeping equipment manufacturers, development workers, technicians meet to listen, discuss and learn from each other.

Istanbul is a vibrant city where East meets West, and this place turned out to be incredibly kind to us this year, as we have just received information that at this year's Apimondia, as the Lyson Group, we won as many as 12 medals for our products. We are extremely proud and motivated to continue working.

The ŁYSOŃ Company realise the project of implementation of innovative and fully automated production of clean label food products with buckwheat honey with high pro-health values. The aim of the project is to develop and increase the competitiveness of ŁYSOŃ on the industry market. More information on the website: