Melliferous flowers

List of the honey plants, which are bee-friendly and information about their care and blooming season.


Common heathers

Sunny position is recquired, eventually a half-shadow. The air must be able to pass through the soil, that should be quite humid, but not wet. After shedding of the petals, we trime chamefits, what results in condensation of the plants and more bountiful blooming.

We trim them only in the spring, because common heathers bloom until late fall, besides longer shoots allow for the better overwintering. When summer is gone and the cold fall begins, they should be covered by spruce twigs or fibre.

Common heathers bloom since the end of July by  the end of October.



In our gardens or on the balcony we should provide sunny, but also airy position to it. In August, as the flower sheds its petals, it should be cut,  thanks to that tillering will be possible and the plant will look even more beutiful. Lavender is known for healing properties. Among others, it is a feedstock to produce sirups, essential oils, tinctures, as well as creams.

Essential oils can be added for example to a bath or candles. Their intensive aroma is a perfect cure for headaches, cold, cough and running nose, as well as for a muscle pain, it also helps to relax after a tough day at work.

Lavender blooms in July and August.



It recquires sunny, a bit enshadowed position and permeable soil, a little humid, rich in nutrients. It is vital to remove overblown flowers so that dahlias will be more beutiful.

After the first frost, we dig out a plant and trim its shoots to 10-20 cm above the ground. Tuber shoots after short drying should be stored in a cool place, at 5-8 degrees Celcius. In case of dry rooms we strew it with sawdust, peat or sand.

Blooming period of dahlia is very long, it lasts from July to October.



Catmint is incredibly easy to cultivate and not so challenging. All that is needed is quite sunlit place with moderate quantity of moisture. Soil should be medium-fertile. Catmint loses its compact form in a better-quality soil and doesn't look so dashy anymore.

What is interesting, in case of this plant we will not have any problems with weeding, therefore it is suitable for gardens. Catmint unfolds its shoots in such a way, that weeds in its area have no possibilities for growth.

Catmint blooms from June to September.

Nachyłek okółkowy

Whorled tickseed

It forms dense clumps, on which yellow flowers  in a shape like capitulum are found. Whorled tickseed is easy to cultivate.

Preferred growing conditions are full sunlight and not very fertile soil. On account of its height - growing to 60 cm tall - during blooming it recquires staking for an upright appearance.

It blooms from June to September.

Jeżówka purpurowa

Purple coneflower

It recquires quite fertile soil and a sunlit place. This plant is able to reach even a height of 80 cm, therefore it is better to ligate. Purple coneflower is not only a beutiful flower, but it has healing properties as well.

It has anti-inflammatory, antifungal and antiviral effects. It supports throat diseases and febrile states treatment.

The main blooming period is between July and October.

The ŁYSOŃ Company realise the project of implementation of innovative and fully automated production of clean label food products with buckwheat honey with high pro-health values. The aim of the project is to develop and increase the competitiveness of ŁYSOŃ on the industry market. More information on the website: